Do you remember results day? Most of us have experienced at least one day where our exam scores were made public. The current cohort of Year 11s and Years 13s have also had SATs results at age 7 and 11 and those coming through high school now will have passed or failed a phonics test […]
Category Archives: social media
I have a Twitter habit. It’s the first place I check the news and where I browse to find current information and debates on my hobby horses of counselling, education and dogs doing surprisingly human things. I have curated a timeline of wry, gentle souls; they form an imagined community who broadly reflect back to […]
Having a sense that you don’t belong is profoundly isolating. For many of us, our childhood and particularly our teenage years may have been dominated by a need to fit in, to work out and conform to the rules of whichever group we were trying to belong to. The cost of not doing so was […]
The last few months have been traumatic for the UK population. Terror, tragedy and a political process which is throwing into relief division upon division, has left us shaken and grief-stricken. ‘Look for the helpers’, we’re told, to console ourselves in the face of each new wave of grief. And there are many helpers. Like […]
Are you happy with your body? Happy with your body as it is now, with how it functions, how it looks, how it feels? If the answer is yes, that’s brilliant, read no further. If you answered with a resounding ‘no’ or had to have a think about it, you are far from unusual. […]
Like many people, I have a peculiar relationship with cameras and photographs. I recoil when a lens is pointed in my direction and tend to avert my eyes when I’m confronted with the resulting images of myself. There are large gaps in my ‘photo history’, when I simply didn’t have a camera, or when I […]
Picking up a phone may not often lead to making a phone call. It is now possible to check emails, browse social media, watch a film or listen to music with a flick of the thumb. Sometimes, our phones may communicate with us first, reminding us of events in our calendar, or, as the number […]